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Dave Loomis


Dave Loomis

Dave Loomis is founder and president of Loomis Marketing, which specializes in voice-of-customer research (VOC), providing consulting on branding, buying processes, innovation and digital transformation. Over his career, Dave has specialized in heavy equipment, building materials and construction and has worked with numerous Fortune 500 companies, including DuPont, GE, Goodyear, IBM, Motorola and Xerox. In 2020 he authored the book Marketing is Everything We Do, and since 2021 has been the co-host of the B2B Marketing & Sales Podcast. He is now writing on his second book, Customer Outsight, focusing specifically on B2B VOC. 

Previously, Dave served as Chief Marketing Officer of Dix & Eaton, one of the country’s largest independently owned public relations firms. There, he helped clients craft their brands and helped individuals proactively manage their public reputations, especially in the digital world.  

For 15 years, he worked at the holding company office of NACCO Industries, a $3 billion public diversified public company. While there, he advised the subsidiaries on marketing, wrote the company’s annual report and wrote speeches for the CEO, who was the leader of the founding family. During that time, he also taught branding at Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management. 

Loomis began his career in Chicago at Leo Burnett, one of the world’s largest ad agencies. He attended Northwestern University as an undergrad and graduate student, obtaining his MBA from Kellogg, consistently rated as the top business school in the world for marketing. 

He’s extremely active in his hometown community of Cleveland, OH where he serves on multiple boards, from arts institutions to charter schools. His travels take him all over the world, but he and his wife, Dori, have a particular love for all parts of the UK. He has two daughters in the fields of landscape architecture and contemporary art. 

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Our team has extensive experience in sales, marketing, and customer success, and we work collaboratively with our clients to design and implement tailored solutions.